All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

## [5.4.0] - 2022-11-05

### Fixed
# Fixed categories not showing svg icon in menu.
# Admin menu manager not adding items correctly.
# Fixed RSS feeds error.
# RSS feed added enclosure.
# Fixed add page editor not loading issue.
# Fixed 500 error when comments plugin isn't installed.
# Fixed user result image on social share.

### Improvements
# Improved theme install procedure.
# Improved user roles and permissions management.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v9.38.0 and other packages.

## [5.3.0] - 2022-10-21

### Added
# Added SVG icons support in themes menu.

### Fixed
# Fixed 500 error on category page.
# Fixed some styles issue in Elgant theme header.
# Fixed notification not opening on small devices issue.
# Fixed post analytics 500 error.
# Fixed AMP and IA 500 errors.
# Fixed subscription page error.
# Fixed add page editor not loading issue.

### Improvements
# Improved responsive experience of Elegant Theme.
# Improved admin widgets management.
# Improved page load time.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v9.36.4 and other packages.

## [5.2.0] - 2022-09-20

### Fixed
# Fixed Gift Items not importing correctly.
# Fixed 500 error after installing/updating.
# Fixed setCurrencies exeption.
# Some minor bug fixes.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v9.31.0 and other packages.

## [5.1.0] - 2022-09-17

### Fixed
# Fixed Google AMP not 500 error.
# Fixed Post analytics not showing images.
# Fixed some bugs in Facebook instant article.
# Template images not showing fixed.
# Fixed auto update not showing correct error message.
# Removed unwanted options from post editor.
# Default stroage options added in the configration.
# Fixed some typos.
# Added my profile link in user navigation
# Fixed installation screen layout issues.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v9.30.1 and other packages.

## [5.0.0] - 2022-09-01

### Introducing
# Added support for S3 and Wasabi.
# Introducing gallery mode on Media Block.
# Introducing Meta data for images credit and caption.
# Introducing Unspalash, Pexels, Pixabay, GIPHY, Direct & URL Upload and more on all media selections.
# Introducing list layout support in triva.
# Introducing list layout support in personality quizzes.
# Introducing User notification system when leaderboard points are changed, on post status change and more.
# Introducing Admin notification system when new post is submitted by community and more.
# Introducing automatic updates.
# You can enable report comments feature and automatically delete flagged comments, see Comments > Settings.
# Native comments plugin with brand new approach.
# Added image editor on media block to apply filters, crop image and more.
# Introducing diamond system, which allows users to unlock posts and authors can convert diamonds into cash. (this feature is available in premium plugin)
# A brand new premium theme is available now.

### Improvements
# Improved page load time.
# Optimized complete application to enhance user experience.

### Added
# Brand new UI for post editor that bings many new features and enhanced user experience.
# Brand new admin UI to make your experience better.
# Added support of various options in Page editor.
# Pages editor now support to upload images in contents.
# Pages image selection changed from manager to various sources.
# Added support to select multiple images in media block.
# Added support to upload images from computer.
# Changed media manager to new media selection with support of Unsplash, Pexels, Pixabay, Giphy and more.
# Post editor automatically attach cover when featured image is selected or viceversa.
# Post Editor fill title and description automatically to improve post creation time.
# List layout will show ads between questions.
# Users can post comments without reloading the page.
# User can sort comments by Newest or Popular.
# New rating system on comments, you can enable/disable from Comment > Settings.
# You can now customize comment from Comments > Settings.
# Added a setting to customize comments pagination.
# Added 'edited' flag, if comment is modified by the user.
# New admin pages to manage comments.
# Now you can disable frontend editor from settings.
# Brand new menu management, to manage and organize everything from single page.
# User can now create post in any language, there is no need for default language contents.
# Validation rules are added so user always post required conents for each block they use.

### Updated
# Quizier v5.0.0 now require PHP v8.0.2 instead of v8.1.
# Updated JS libraries and fixed security issues.
# Updated Laravel to v9.23.0 and other packages.

## [4.1.1] - 2022-06-15

### NOTE
# Minimum PHP version require for v4.1.0 is 8.1

### Fixed
# The content editor not loading issue fixed.

## [4.1.0] - 2022-06-14

### NOTE
# Minimum PHP version require for v4.1.0 is 8.1

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v9.17.0 and other packages.
# Updated Javascript Libraries.
# Share user reslts on social media now support all quizzes.

### Fixed
# Post contents not showing when language is switched.
# Fixed a bug in pages links.
# Some minor bug fixes.

## [4.0.2] - 2022-03-24

### Fixed
# Fixed an issue with media manager not seleting image.

## [4.0.1] - 2022-03-23

### Fixed
# Fixed media manager upload issue.
# Fixed remember last selected directory.

## [4.0.0] - 2022-03-22

### NOTE
# Minimum PHP version require for v4.0.0 is 8.0.2

### Improvements
# Improved add/edit pages.

### Added
# Added new features in Page editor.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v9.5.1 and other packages.
# Updated Javascript Libraries.

## [3.10.3] - 2021-10-03

### Fixed
# Fixed YouTube video oEmbed size issue.
# Fixed Elegant theme nav bar not visible when Fullwidth is enabled.
# Elegant theme slider "learn more" added in language file.
# Fixed background color issue in Elegant Theme container.
# Fixed redirect issue on new user registration when activation isn't required.
# Fixed FB instant article settings won't save issue.
# Fixed oEmbed video dimentions issue.
# Fixed logout issue on small devices.
# Fixed page status showing inactive on manage pages.
# Fixed admin post duplicate issue.

### Added
# Elegant theme new 3 columns fixed height slider template added.
# Added an option to auto start Trivia.
# Added an option to auto start Personality Quiz.
# Added HTML tables support in editor.
# Added math equation support in editor, read more here:

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.62.0 and other packages.
# Updated Javascript libraries.

## [3.10.2] - 2021-09-12

### Fixed
# Fixed a bug in registration when activation required is disabled.
# Fixed post module animation none issue.
# Fixed single post pagination type filed is not saving none option.
# Fixed comments plugin language strings issue.
# Comment plugin fixed manage comments.
# Some minor bug fixes.

## [3.10.1] - 2021-09-04

### Fixed
# Fixed an editor bug that always set Featured Cover & Allow Translations state to checked.
# Improved post pagination responsiveness.
# Updated post pagination styles in Clean Theme.
# Fixed post animation setting was set to required.
# Fixed poll results not showing after vote, the bug was caused by the post pagination.

## [3.10.0] - 2021-09-02

### Introducing
# Brand new approach to create Quick/Logic Quizzes, now design your quizzes in the editor.
# Added Countdown timer in trivia.
# Google AMP support added. Quizier is now AMP Ready.
# Quizier now has Facebook Instant Articles support.
# Single post pagination. Post editor now has the option to add page breaks after each module.
# Brand new Translations Plugin, now easily manage new Locales from admin panel.

### Improvements
# Performance optimized for editor and single post page by loading modules in chunks.
# Single post page now loads 20% less data.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.58.0 and other packages.
# Updated permissions names.
# Updated media manager link to hide admin location.

### Fixed
# Fixed Quick quiz results issue when there is a space in file path.
# Fixed editor scroll issue for quizzes.
# Several minor bug fixes.
# Plugins localization fixed.
# Fixed blockquote styling for text editor module.
# Fixed first name attribute to get user's first name.
# Fixed pagination dynamic css issues.
# Fixed quick/logic quiz add profile image issue.
# Fixed plugins installer issue.

### Added
# Added an option to enable try again button on Quizzes.
# Added an option to shuffle trivia questions.
# Added an option to shuffle trivia answers.
# Added an option to shuffle personality quiz questions.
# Added an option to shuffle personality quiz answers.
# Added an option to select animation style on single post modules.
# Added new settings to show adsense ads within the post.

## [3.9.0] - 2021-06-30

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.49.0 and other packages.
# Updated Javascript packages.
# Updated Bootstrap to v4.6.0

### Added
# Added link target option in post editor.
# Comments API added.
# Added new language string in settings.php
# Added new options in Settings > General > General to set system timezone.

### Fixed
# Fixed poll percentage calculation.
# Fixed a typo in editor tooltip.
# Fixed personality quiz analytics 500 error.
# Fixed categories API request.
# Fixed users API request.
# Fixed posts formats API request.
# Fixed Post analytics issue.
# Fixed admin graph not showing current date.

## [3.8.3] - 2021-05-05

### Fixed
# Fixed nametests quiz permissions and filters issue.
# Fixed nametests quiz start issue.
# Fixed Adsense widget issue.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.40.0 and other packages.
# Updated dependancies, Laravel Mix and theme packages.

### Improvements
# Improved installer, now installer will automatically copy the .env file if its missing.

## [3.8.2] - 2021-04-30

### Fixed
# Fixed slider settings issue.
# Fixed share result image.

### Added
# Added Facebook age/gender permissions options in Settings > General > Login.
# New language strings in settings.php

## [3.8.1] - 2021-04-28

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.39.0 and other packages.

### Fixed
# Fixed poll analytics error.
# Fixed plugin install issue.
# Allowed GIF type files for reactions.
# Fixed installation error.

## [3.8.0] - 2021-04-27

### Introducing
# Introducing reactions plugin.
# Introducing maintenance mode.
# Introducing xml sitemap feature from Settings > Advance.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.38.0 and other packages.

### Fixed
# Fixed a bug in analytics.
# Fixed Manage Comments admin menu.

### Added
# Added new settings to disable editor modules.

## [3.7.1] - 2021-03-21

### Fixed
# Fixed translations issue when your default Language is changed after some contents published.
# Module modules names in editor sort area.

### Updated
# All available languages in env on rebuild languages.

## [3.7.0] - 2021-03-19

### Introducing
# Bulk actions on manage posts area in admin panel.
# Bulk actions on manage users area in admin panel.
# Search feature in manage users area.

### Added
# Elegant Theme added WhatsApp Share button on Mobile.
# Leaderboard widget added an option to hide admin users.
# New language strings added in widgets, socials, emails, common and i18n php files.
# User password change, verify user's current password before.
# Added an option to restore deleted account.
# For security user password is required to delete their account.

### Improvements
# Categories translation improved.
# Tags translation improved.

### Updated
# Modules names and tooltips added in locale file to support translations.
# Social login error message added.
# The username added on user profile page.
# Updated Laravel to v8.33.1 and other packages.
# Assign default role to user when they signup using Facebook.

### Fixed
# Fixed categories widget 500 server error when site is multilingual.
# Fixed infinite loading issue when Facebook login fails.
# Post vote count issue fixed.
# Post cache disabled.
# Fixed server error after comments plugin installation.
# Elegant theme fixed cover image upload issue.
# Fixed sub-menu issue in elegant theme.
# Fixed post social share meta data.
# Fixed social meta data on post embed.
# Clean & Elegant themes fixed user profile social links.
# Fixed Admin > Settings > Users setting tab.
# Fixed Facebook icon disappear issue on user profile page.
# Fixed user account delete.

## [3.6.0] - 2021-02-17

### Updated
# Single post cache improvements.
# Updated Laravel to v8.27.0 and other packages.
# Updated Admin Menu model to allow developers to add new pages.

### Added
# Manage comments page added in admin panel for comments plugin.

### Fixed
# Fixed Internal server error on Manage Pages.
# Fixed CSFR token issue on embedded posts.
# Fixed Internal server error on Manage Categories.
# Fixed Internal server error on Manage Tags.

## [3.5.0] - 2021-01-15

### Fixed
# Fixed asycn widgets bottom margin issue.

### Added
# Comments plugin now have recent/popular comments widget.
# Verify User account and show badge in profile.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.22.1 and other packages.
# Quizier is now compatible with PHP 8.
# Updated scripts libraries.

## [3.4.0] - 2021-01-08

### Fixed
# Fixed Logic Quiz add picture switch not showing in Chrome and Safari.
# Fixed required field focus for Admin Settings.
# Fixed default templates images path in seeder.
# Fixed analytics error when there is Logic module in post.
# Added a "Click Here to Findout" button on logic quiz.
# Fixed Logic Module user's result ID for Analytics.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.21.0 and other packages.
# Removed depricated jQuery functions in main script.

## [3.3.0] - 2021-01-05

### Fixed
# Fixed Facebook login/signup not showing issue.
# Fixed undefined background issue on poll module.
# Fixed user's post transfer. Now all available translations will also tranfer to new user.

### Updated
# Updated script libraries.

### Releases
# Native Comments Module now available to install.

## [3.2.2] - 2020-12-28

### Fixed
# Fixed user's default avatar issue in admin settings.
# Fixed editor images upload issue when file name has spaces.

### Enhancements
# Enhanced editor responsiveness.
# Enhanced media selector responsiveness.

### Updated
# Disable social icons in footer when menu is not selected.

### Added
# Added social icons text option for Elegant Themes.

## [3.2.1] - 2020-12-26

### Fixed
# Fixed duplicate menu items issue in Clean Theme.
# Responsive pagination Fixed offset on small devices.
# Organized user profile menu in Clean Theme.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.20.1 and other packages.

## [3.2.0] - 2020-12-26

### Fixed
# Fixed duplicate post bug.
# Fixed menu builder issue with add new custom link.
# Fixed custom link validation issue.
# Fixed front navigation issue, user profile links were added in all children menus on small devices.

### Added
# Added an option to delete login page video and background picture.
# Added create post and view items link in clean theme on small devices.
# Manage plugins and install system added in admin.

## [3.1.0] - 2020-12-17

### Added
# Added Facebook oEmbed setting to enable Facebook/Instagram oEmbed, go to Settings > General > oEmbed and enter
Facebook oEmbed access token.

### Fixed
# Fixed the bug on badges pages.
# Fixed an error during install process.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.19.0 and other packages.

## [3.0.0] - 2020-12-11

### Introducing
# Post voting, now you can enable post voting from Settings > General > Post.
# CTA Button modules
# Leads form module.
# Capture lead or add affiliate/action link in Trivia results.
# Capture lead or add button in personality Quiz results.
# Added a CTA button in flip card.
# Added CTA button in polls endcards.
# Detailed Analytics report for post/stories.
# Download Leads.
# Plugins system, new plugins (Push Notifications, Newsletter, Native Comments, Post Reaction) coming soon.

### Added
# Added new formats flipcard in templates.
# New language strings added in common.php, settings.php and i18n.php

### Fixed
# Fixed bulk import stuck on loading.
# Fixed the logout issue of non-activated user.
# Fixed non-ssl installation page expired issue.

### Updated
# Improved template filters.
# Updated Laravel to v8.18.1 and other packages.
# Added predefined pages meta data in /resources/lang/en/pages.php file.
# Updated several API requests.
# Post type badges.

## [2.4.0] - 2020-11-22

### Added
# Added a new option in Settings > General > reCaptcha to enable reCaptcha on admin login.

### Fixed
# Fixed logout issue in clean theme.

### Updated
# Auth/Posts/Followers/Following API requests were updated.
# Updated Laravel to v8.15.0 and other packages.

## [2.3.0] - 2020-11-10

### Introducing
# Posts search option in admin area.

### Fixed
# Now transfer posts will automatically transfer translations with post.
# Chrome Browser fixed CSFR token mismatch issue on post embed.

### Added
# Added an option under Settings > General > Quiz to set custom time to switch to quiz next question.

## [2.2.1] - 2020-10-31

### Fixed
# Fixed answer log issue when answer is long for quizzes.
# Auto disable sticky sidebar on small devices.
# Category widget fixed the hide empty issue.
# Clean theme added post count in category widget.

### Added
# Category widget added an option to show categories hierarchy.

## [2.2.0] - 2020-10-30

### Introducing
# Advanced menu management, easily complete your navigation with all the resources on your website.
# New option added for sticky side bar, you can access the setting in Settings > Layouts > Widgets.

### Fixed
# Elegant theme fixed dark mode switch toggle issue.
# Fixed a typo in Gift Contents.
# Fixed the gift contents import issue.
# Gift contents import fixed paginations links error.
# Fixed social share buttons issue in both themes.
# Fixed a cross origin bug in embed SDK.

### Added
# Added post views count in admin manage posts.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to v8.12.3 and other packages.
# Updated social links protocol.

## [2.1.0] - 2020-10-25

### Security
# Fixed security vulnerability.

### Fixed
# Fixed template status issue on some servers.
# Fixed the issue of Gift contents, you need to enter purchase code to activate free contents.
# Fixed default embed width post issue.
# Updated utilities & packages.
# Fixed html tags issue on social share.

### Added
# Added an option to disable/enable user's result on social share.

## [2.0.0] - 2020-10-22

### NOTE
# Minimum PHP version require for v2.0.0 is 7.3

### Introducing
# Yay! Introducing brand new theme, now available for FREE.
# An option to show only posts that are translated in current locale.
# A brand new approach to quickly get started with your new post by using pre made templates.
# Users can now view the post feeds of other users they follow.
# Free templates added for you to quickly get started.

### Enhancements
# Improved duplicate post process to reduce data redundancy.
# Improved the post translations system with better fallback approach.
# Improved Categories & Tags translations system.

### Fixed
# Fixed path issue with space in file/folder name in Media Manager.
# Delete children categories when parent is deleted.
# Fixed Login and register pages now visible on mobile.
# Fixed modules numbers counter.
# Fixed user account activation error.
# Fixed remove answer button issue on Google Chrome browser.
# Fixed sub-menu overlapping issue in clean theme.
# Fixed list type post layout issue on small devices.
# Fixed page SEO meta tags issue.
# Fixed the slider cache issue.
# Clean theme, Fixed user info wrapping on embed page.

### Added
# New language strings in admin, common, i18n and settings files.
# Clean theme, added profile and user links on small devices.
# Added an option to hide email address from user's public profile.
# Added a new duplicate post to improve block ID's walker.
# Added an option to send user to trash.
# Added an option to restore trashed user.
# Transfer trashed user's posts to some other user.
# Added a page to view Trashed user's posts.
# Transfer individual trashed user post to other user.
# Added an option to convert post to template.
# Added "I Got 'result'" text on quiz result share icons.
# Facebook share will now show the text/title of post/result.

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to 8.11.2 and other packages.
# Updated create directory helper function for recursive directory.
# Updated themes packages.

## [1.7.0] - 2020-08-29

### Updated
# Updated Laravel to 7.26.1 and other packages.

### Fixed
# Fixed post status and featured value casting.
# Fixed post widget delete.
# Fixed new post widget create.

### Added
# Added an API resource for mobile apps (default API is disabled)

### Enhancements
# User profile pictures, improved validation and security.
# Improved WEBP conversion logic.

## [1.6.1] - 2020-08-25

### Fixed
# Fixed some typos in settings.
# Fixed RSS feed issue.
# Security Fix, added global restriction on upload connector.

## [1.6.0] - 2020-08-24

### Fixed
# Fixed an issue with Private/Linked type polls and quizzes answer issue.

### Added
# Added RSS Feeds for stories with settings to enable/disable.
# Added option to enable show children categories post in parent.
# Option to copy data from current language to translation window.
# Added highlight text option in Quizier Editor
# Added support to add code block in editor.
# Added Emojis in Quizier editor.
# Editor now allow users to enter custom tags that can be enable from Settings > Posts.
# Automatically switch language with translated slug.

## [1.5.0] - 2020-08-15

### Added
# Post carousel widget added.
# Added Help center in admin panel.
# Added manage posts in admin Editor Page breadcrumb.
# Added manage category sub-category posts count.
# Allow users to share their results on Social media.
# Added an option to enable/disable Comments/shares on oEmbed.
# Manage Themes support added in admin panel.
# Add separate option for Gift/Free Contents.
# Added tracking protection message when browser block Facebook SDK.

### Enhancements
# Updated Laravel to 7.25.0
# Added Image related required extension checks in installer.
# Optimized query for categories count.
# Optimized editor/viewer data to prevent data injection.
# Optimized embed SDK for better browser support.
# Optimized error handling in manage posts and frontend.
# Organized backend navigation.

### Removed
# Blocks alter migration removed.
# Removed DBAL package.

### Fixed
# Fixed URL active issue.
# Fixed Category pagination issue when cache is enabled.
# Fixed Tags pagination issue when cache is enabled.
# Fixed categories widget count show/hide.
# Fixed internal server error on tags page.
# Fixed poll results percentage text alignment when media is used.
# Fixed bug in Quiz modules now allowing user to have empty/blank question.
# Leaderboard widget check if crown svg isn't available.
# Fixed privacy and terms links on signup page.
# Fixed a frontend bug when menu is removed.
# Fixed settings value reset rule.

## [1.4.3] - 2020-08-04

### Updated
# Updated documentation link.
# Updated migrations files.

## [1.4.2] - 2020-07-17

### Added
# Add oEmbed meta tag for stories.

### Enhancements
# Installer/Migration Improvements.
# Improved block deletion process when updating story.
# Theme details and requirements added.
# Removed ENV overrides in settings and replaced values directly in ENV.

### Updated
# Laravel updated to 7.20.0
# Updated JavaScript (FontAwesome, Sweetalert and more...) and PHP libraries.

## [1.4.1] - 2020-07-16

## [1.4.1] - 2020-07-16
### Fixed
# Fixed 500 error when logout user view story.
# Fixed Super Admin role name issue.
# Fixed index issue related to WEBP Image Conversion.

### Updated
# Laravel updated to latest version.

## [1.4.0] - 2020-07-15

### Enhancements
# Some improvements with input sanitization in admin panel.
# Allowed Admin to view stories/post even if its not published or approved.
# Story/post author can view their own posts even if not approved or published.

### Added
# Added link to view frontend stories, page, tags, category, user's profile in admin panel.
# New Language strings in common.php

### Updated
# Updated animate.css from V3.x to V4.1.0, add "animate__" prefix if you are using any animation.

### Fixed
# Fixed outlayer option error when page has infinite scroll.

## [1.3.0] - 2020-07-11

### Enhancements
# Combined clean.min.js in main app.js.
# Refactored resources to better share with other themes.
# Merged Clean theme JS file into main to reduce HTTP results.
# Removed lodash from admin theme.

### Fixed
# Fixed Module Poll stats when publish remove some options from Poll.

## [1.2.1] - 2020-07-05

### Bug Fixed
# Fixed changed name and display columns of blocks table to nullable to satisfy MySQL strict mode.
# Fixed Facebook JS SDK loading issue in logic quiz.
# Fixed translation issue for home page when Language is switched.
# Fixed blank dashboard when post views are disabled.

### Added
# Added verification result id for logic quiz.
# Added support for updateable migrations.

[1.2.0] - 2020-07-04

### Updated
# Updated story validation and made cover image required.

### Improvements
# Improved post type generate logic.

### Added
# Add new language strings in common.php file.
# Added logic quiz OG and Twitter Card meta for quiz results.
# Added lazy load on stories/posts widget.
# Added placeholder when there is no cover image.

### Fixed
# Fixed error when Facebook permission is not given.
# Fixed ReCaptcha error, when enabled without providing credentials.
# Fixed casting error of debug, now debug setting cast to Boolean.
# Fixed Post Translations bug.
# Fixed cover image related issues.

[1.1.1] - 2020-06-30

### Updated
# Updated to Laravel 7.18.0
# Updated post gird for responsiveness.
# Slider updated for small devices.
# Removed Slick font and replaced it with FontAwesome.

### Added
# Added bg-white class on main nav.
# Added restriction on media manager, so public user can not access other users images.
# Added editor permissions default for users.
# Added support for webp images for desktop and supported browsers.
# Added support of Lazyload images.

### Improvements
# Minor bug fixes.
# Improved JavaScript performance

### Fixed
# Continue with Facebook button on small devices.
# Fixed quiz description text on small devices.

[1.0.0] - 2020-05-30

### Initial Release
## [Unreleased] - 2019-07-17