What's hiding on the other side? Click to reveal!

Flip cards are a great tool that allows you to present your audience with a card, or series of cards, that they can flip over by simply clicking or tapping to reveal the content on the other side of the card.

Flip cards can be used for:

  • Pros and cons
  • Before and after
  • Riddles and solutions
  • Click to reveal
  • And so much more

So let’s dive in and discover how to create one.

How do I create a Flip Card?

The first step is to click on the "create" and you can find the Flip Card module on create page. Here is the Flip Card icon shown below.

After clicking on the Flip Card icon you will have the opportunity to write a compelling title that will help keep your audience engaged. Try and think of a title that will arouse curiosity and build some anticipation.

The next step is to add the images or text you want to use in your Flip Card creation. You can use already uploaded images in media manager, or by browsing your computer’s image files

The process for adding an image to the back of the Flip Card is just as simple. To get started, simply click on “Back” in the top left corner of your creation.

This time, let's try using the Text Card and placing an image in the background.

Pro Tip

Flip Card also have text alignment option and card flip direction it can be either horizontal or vertical.

That's it, you're now ready to publish!

On the bottom of the screen, click on the blue “Save” button and – pow! Your Flip Card is published and ready to be shared or embedded!