Every plugin designed by us has its own translation strings that you can translate in your own language. 

Get started is very easy there are couple of ways you can publish the translation files, the easiest way is running a command given below. Simply replace the <plugin-name> with the name of plugin (i.e. Comments)

php artisan module:publish-translation <plugin-name>

The command for Comments plugin will look like this:

php artisan module:publish-translation Comments

The following command will automatically copy the translations from Plugin directory to the Quizier /resources/lang/ directory.

Copy Translation Files Without Command

If you do not have SSH or Web Terminal access then you can copy the translations directory from plugin and paste them into the /resource/lang/<plugin-name> (in lang folder the plugin-name directory needs to be in lower case and if the plugin name has spaces then replace them with "-") directory. 

The plugin translations are available in the /Modules/<plugin-name>/Resources/lang/ download the lang folder from your server to your computer, rename the lang folder on your computer to plugin-name (i.e. comments) and upload the comments folder to /resources/lang/ and you are ready.

After uploading you can simply duplicate the "en" directory to your language directory and translate the files. Further you can read how to translate Localization.