Essence Theme comes with variety of template options that are used to set up styles various parts of your site.

Essence Theme comes fully loaded templates variations for multiple parts of your site. This is where you can setup the styles of different pages and different sections of pages. These options can be accessed in the Quizier Dashboard menu under Appearance > Settings > Theme Options > Templates.

The Template Options are well organized and self explanatory, in this article we will go over some of the customization options.

Homepage Slider

There are different types of template available for the slider of homepage of your website that you can easily change from this option to switch between multiple styles.

Some of the styles from the different templates for homepage are as following:

Homepage Template

There are different types of template available for homepage of your website that you can easily change from this option to switch between multiple layouts.

Categories Template

There are different types of template available for Categories page of your website that you can easily change from this option to switch between multiple layouts.

Tags Template

There are different types of template available for Tags page of your website that you can easily change from this option to switch between multiple layouts.

Search Template

There are different types of template available for Search page of your website that you can easily change from this option to switch between multiple layouts.

Profile Post Template

There are different types of template available for the post visible in Profile page of your website that you can easily change from this option to switch between multiple layouts.

Some of the styles from the different templates are as following:

Share Widget Template

There are different types of layouts available for the share widget bottom and top of your website that you can easily change from this option to switch between multiple layouts for each of them.

Some of the layouts from the different templates are as following: