In Monster tools, there are various tools that requires the setup of drivers for their proper usage. These drivers act as the link between the tool features and its processing. Without the proper installation of these drivers, the features may not function correctly or may not be recognized by the tool.

The tools that requires integration / selection of drivers are provided with the option in admin panel to select one of the provided drivers to run its functionality. setting up the driver for the tool is very simple as explained follow.

  • Log in to your Monster Tools admin page, then go to Tools list.

  • In the tools list, find the specific tool and click Edit.

  • In the Edit tool page, scroll down to the bottom where you will find a section with named Driver.

  • In this section you can select one to the driver that will be used by the tool for it's processing

  • There will be some additional fields / option according to the each driver that needed to be fill, without which driver will not work i.e. (Api' Key , Paths etc.).

List of the tools in the admin panel

Tools edit page shows the drivers section from where you can set the desired driver for the tool from the provided options