Footers can be a valuable addition to a website for several reasons.

Footers can provide a centralized location for important information and links that visitors may need to access. This can include contact information, privacy policy, terms of service, and other legal documents. It can also include social media links, newsletter sign-up forms, and links to other relevant pages on the website.

Moreover, adding a copyright notice in the footer can also serve as a way to establish the date of creation of the website and its content, which can be useful in case of any dispute over originality.

In summary, including a copyright footer on a website is a simple yet effective way to protect the website's content and establish the website owner's legal rights to the content. It's also a standard practice for websites to include a copyright notice in the footer, and it's a good practice to include it on your website too.

Monster Tools provide the functionality and ease to change and customize the site footer as per desired and add content of you choice. it comes up with various options to customize with. To get benefit of this amazing feature you just need to do the following steps:

  • Log in to your Monster Tools admin page, then go to Settings.

  • In the settings section, find and click on Footer section.

  • A multiple option form to customize footer content will be show

  • You can now change the options and content according to your need.

Footer Widget

You can enable and disable footer widget from this option.

Number of footer columns

You can adjust the column numbers as per your need and content.

Copyright Bar

Copyright bar can be enabled and disabled from this option.

Center Copyright Content

If you want to you make you copy right content to align centered you can choose from this option.

Copyright Text

Copyright content that will be displayed in the footer section will goes here.