In this tutorial we will go over the apps setup and configurations.

All the configurations of application are stored in /js/Utility/Util.js

In Utils.js change the URL with your Quizier installation and make sure it ends with the trailing slash, no need to change the other variables. After updating the URL the apps will fetch the data from your server

Note: Make sure the API is enabled on your server.

How to enable API?

Login to admin panel of your Quizier installation and go to Appearance > Settings > API and click Enable API and save settings. 

If API is enabled and app is not getting the contents then try to clear Cache and Optimize from Quizier Settings area under Advance Tab.

Color Scheme

The apps color pallet is defined in the Utils.js file.

    //== ColrosPalate
    static clrA = '#0C0F49'; // dark
    static clrB = '#1C1B34'; // dark blue
    static clrC = '#EAA41A'; // yellow
    static clrD = '#9F3E45'; // brown
    static clrE = '#C6B2A6'; // light brown
    static clrF = '#E2E4F4'; // light Text
    static clrG = '#cccccc'; // light clr
    static clrH = 'red'; // Error
    static clrI = 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)'; // dark light Text
    static clrW = 'white'; // white

Admob Banner ID

In the Utils.js file you will find the variable name bAdId. You can replace the banner ID with your own banner. Learn more on how to register app and create banner id.

OneSignal App ID

In the Utils.js file you will find the variable name oneSignalAppId and you can change the existing ID with your own OneSignal app ID. How to create App ID